Thursday, March 29, 2007

20% chance of showers....OH REALLY!

Returning from a pleasant stroll in the bucolic hills of Pennsylvania. More like a step back in time to "The boy from Ancramdale" where walks in the rain were a way of life.

Somebody...had to go get the cows

Monday, March 26, 2007

Deer Slayer

Three years...three deer.

Suzy's Ford Focus; aka "Scooper" has now reduced deer populations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Thankfully, no injuries to Suz, but the Focui took another $4500 hit (or more)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Three Generations...tenacity prevails

Stubborness? A grimace?

No, just plain tenacity

Dave, Laura, Sophie, and Patrick portray the same image

"Don't tread on me"