Monday, April 30, 2007

ah yes............THE DRESS

Seam...stress Suzie; chained in the garage until it is done. A lemon it is not; it exudes the freshness of Lemonade. Morgen was Proud!

Sherando Senior Prom....remember those days?

Morgen (Suzanne's 16 yr old daughter), and Ryan Witt pose for the obligatory photos for the Sherando High School Senior Prom. Suzy's magic fingers produced the beautiful, in about a day and a half.

Skyline birthday

After dinner in The Plains (the Railstop) on Friday nite, Suzie and I ventured up on Sunday morning to the serene beauty of Skyline drive. A "farmers breakfast' (albiet "Hawksbill") in the Skyland Lodge capped off a beautiful birthday weekend

Friday, April 27, 2007

Happy Christmas

Whatever. The irony of twins giving each other the same "tool" gift from Sears purchased approximately one hour apart four days before Christmas.

Today is our XXth birthday

I wonder what "gives"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day of JOY

The joys of family
Laura, Lindsay, Soph and Charlie cruised in on April 20...a beautiful spring day. Lindsay, then left to "get something". It was Robin and HappyBug (Patrick), who had flown in from Albany as a joyous surprise.

Day of Sorrow

On Monday, April 16, 2007, 32 Virginia Tech students were executed by a crazed gunman in Blackstone, VA. Two days later, on the east side of the Blue Ridge mountains, Suzanne's sister's husband, died at age 48, leaving a wife and three small daughters. Burial was in a bucolic pasture on their farm...overlooking the Peaks of Otter.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Harbinger of things to come......

You missed our wedding? No, but here is the venue for June 2008

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My senses restored

Morning tranquility on the Potomac was only a block away. The quiet serenity was soon puncutated by A Marine Base awakening. Soothing nevertheless.

When Time Stood Still !

"My heart was in my mouth"... but this Marine will live to fight another battle; a battle for first place in the presentation of the Darwin Theory

Snow foolin; twas EASTER

Easter Sunday; time to hide the eggs. BUT WAIT. I had to mow the lawn first to remove the snow. YES VIRGINIA, there is the Easter Bunny.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Cherry blossoms? Pear

Sorry, mixed up my pears

Some license taken here. We didn't have time to go downtown (DC), so we made do with my Bradford Pear in the front yard, photoshopped out the neighborhood, but Suzy stood strong through it all