Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Suzy enjoying the holiday weekend at Mance

We enjoyed three gorgeous days at the Patch.

Biking with a new Tululah come-along (she loves it and races like the wind)




Joan Smith wanted her crossing flashers planted in honor of Carl. So we did!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Smith Mountain Lodge

The Snyder's modern "Ft. Ti.". Life comes a full circle. What you did at 12, you can do again at 65!

Spring Flowers; Suzanne blooms!

The beautiful purple buds opened before our very eyes; thank you Robin and Michael, they meant so much!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Brave soul: Suzy the sweetest

Suzanne endures, only a day after major surgery.

Senior Prom 08

Suzanne and Morgen....Senior Prom 08