Monday, July 28, 2008

"Ain't no bugs on me..."

Susy isn't afraid of CATERPILLARS............or snakes.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Suzy Deere

The annual tractor show at Berryville, VA found Suzy challenging the power of an old John Deere. Later, the noon parade was enjoyed by all, including this future farmer of America. Some things never change.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Predators!!..and a bloody, bleating fawn

On Friday afternoon, as Suzy and I were relaxing from building the frame for the hot tub, we suddenly heard this frantic bleating from the woodline above the field across the tracks. Then it got louder! and closer!. Suddenly a fawn burst out of the corn and scrambled across the tracks and through our yard. It was bleeding badly in the rear.

Fast forward 16 hours...Saturday morning at 10:30am. We were putting our new bikes away in the cellar at the Post Office, and suddenly Suzy exclaimed..."the bloody deer". I turned around and six feet behind me, in the root cellar, there lay the same fawn, with it's right hip ripped open. It had sought the cool sanctity of the cellar through an open door. After the pictures had been taken, it bounced to it's feet, escaped by a second door, and bounded across the lower lawn. The end for this fawn is probably grim. No doe was to be seen and the wound was severe.

The scary thing is what did the clawing?. We had heard the actual attack, albiet from a distance. It had to be either a bear, a bobcat, or a mountain lion. It appeared a clawed paw had grasped the right flank of the fawn and ripped the skin completely off.

We will be more careful when enjoying our mountain retreats!!

Mance HOT Tub

Work in Progress. Roger's abandoned hot tub from Manassas has found a new home on the mountain. By the time the Snyder reunion (Aug 30-31) rolls around, it should be completely in service.

New "Mountain" bikes

Just $64 WalMart specials..........but great for use on the rail trail near Sandpatch

Saturday, July 12, 2008


The Mance Post Office now sees many patrons on horseback (the cost of gasoline) and they get thirsty. We decided to fashion a "dugout" to quench their needs.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Tululah is adjusting to her new home.........including a new Summit Camp just like Sandpatch.

Initally "Beggin" strips were used to lure her to new heights.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Britney Spears bush

Suzy next to Britney's style of bush

More Mexico...the Cancun Honeymoon

Fun and games........continuous !