Saturday, November 29, 2008

THANKSGIVING: November 27, 2008

We all gave thanks in Becket, MA at George & Sandy's mountain top retreat. The next day we celebrated George's 67th. Wonderful gatherings. Memorable!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cookie Cutters.......fait accompli!

Little by little the cookies all is well

Monday, November 17, 2008

Winds of November................

..........came early. Suzy enjoys a glass of wine before dinner; albiet at the blustery summit of Smith Hill at Mance, PA. Back in the cozy confines of our "camp" the gloves came off, however snow dusted the pinnacle by dawn. (11-15-08)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Dave's 1st presentation to Suzanne as she started her 10:30a - 7:00pm hours at Prince William Hospital. It's REAL mac n cheeze, carefully whisked, spooned, diced and sliced with only the additions our mother (Grace) could create. There was no Kraft in it, but boy was it good! FOUR meals worth. Suzy is now saying she won't mind hospital food from time to time


Roger found us some wood "free for the taking". Now we know how wood warms many times by the time it is burned in the stove! Suzie and I have our work cut out for us. Lots of cookies to split. The warmth they provide will be enjoyed with a cup of hot cocoa.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


...was a strong probability when the field mice sought protection from the cold in the Mance Post Office. Little did they know the Ghosts of Halloweens Past surrounded the house.

Tululah !!

Demise was a strong possibility when Tululah decided to get the last of the mixed nuts. Thankfully mouth to snout CPR was unecessary