Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 08.......warm and wonderful

Morgen and Sarah joined us in Manassas for a wonderful Christmas...albiet interrupted by Suzies nine hour stint at Prince William Hospital on Christmas Day. Evidently people need the ER on Christmas

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


US Post Office, Casanova, VA.

It's for real!!

Maybe the Mance Post Office has a future as well.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Party

Suzy and I hosted our annual Christmas gathering Sunday evening. Suz cooked and cooked and prepared and presented. I tested. Tululah lurked...............waiting under the table for "drops"

ICE MAN cometh.........

ICE near Mance, PA was minor compared to Delmar and Kennebunk. To me it was beauty, to Robin and Laura it was the BEAST!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Warm Thoughts...

...from Suzy and the sheep that gave up their winter coats to make it possible

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

GREAT FALLS....good golly!

It was a beautiful December 3, 2008, and Suzy had the day off from Prince William Hospital.

Grasping the moment, we journeyed to Great Falls, where the Potomac river drops 74 feet through some spectuclar rapids among the rocks.

"Can't get me....."

This doe knew what the sign meant. I was but 15' away. She finally walked away showing disinterest in Humans!