Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

Home for the Holidays: albiet December 27. Sarah and Morgen celebrated Christmas here in Manassas. Two new kittens for Morgen made for memorable moments.

Friday, December 25, 2009

December to Remember

White Christmas 2009

More pictures from the blizzard of 09 in Manassas

Visions of sugar plums danced through their heads.......including the furry one!

Like loaves of bread, their side mirrors are the only indication of what lies beneath.

the computer mouse at Mance grew hungry in the cold and met it's demise at Victor!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Suzanne toasts the Blizzard of 09
After 10 hrs at the ER, the chilled wine,"thru white and drifted snow", takes the edge off the day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS............to Laura's (and Lindsay, Sophie, Charlie, Guiness, Puck, Trinket, and Whiskers)
...house we went!

A memorable Downeast New England feast (for the beasts) in MAINE.

Annie fills the boat with blue cheeze dip, a traditional receipe handed down from our mother


A pensive Suzanne enjoys Kennebunk beach in rapidly deteoriating weather.........but with a warm heart.

Sophies's drawing "EAT MEAT or DIE" gets a forlorn "oink" from Friday's bacon provider

It began with a "fresh off the boat" lobster boil on Wednesday night....rolled on through the traditional turkey roast on Thursday, and continued with a BACON bake breakfast on Friday morning.
Turkey soup trappings and Mystic pizza on Friday night wrapped it all up as a Thanksgiving for the ages.

A slight shift was noted in this long standing affair. The young cousins are rapidly infilltrating the adult table...

and the four Snyders are lapsing into the "age old" (or is it old age?) tradition of discussing medical maladies

Alas...........nothing stays the same.

George models his "Becket" hat knitted by Suzanne....it gets cold in the Berkshires!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lap robe for Edna

Up at Mance, PA, Edna is confined to a recliner day and night. Suzy and Tululah are knitting a beautiful lap robe for her continuing comfort.

Monday, November 16, 2009

IRON MAN........new ball joint

Albiet , not a strut or shock absorber, here is my implant. Nice bright and shiny.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Home for Halloween

Two extra days in the hospital due to complications............but I am home and in Suzanne's tender loving care. Rehab will take a while but Thanksgiving will be WONDERFUL in Maine at the Smiths!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

THE TIME HAS COME...............

Left hip replacement is tomorrow, and taking a page from Obama's new approach to national health care, I am ready.

"Ask not what medicare can do for you, ask what you can do for Medicare!"

Personal hygiene will present challange for a few days, but given some quickly assembled tools, I can handle that also!

Corn holding.

Friday, October 23, 2009

LAST HURRAH.....before the saw!!!

Suzy and I made an impromptu overnight to Ocean City, MD to enjoy the last gasps of summer sans crowds and traffic. It was glorious and the pictures tell the story. Oh yes.....the fins were Daw fins, not sharks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Maple magic...........early colors on the Patch

Sugar maples are staging a coming out party at Mance. Suzanne and I attended September 21-23. The color is early (although it has been 26 degrees) and for the moment, does not appear to be spoiled by the drought.