Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SNOWPATCH........"Donner Party"

Suzy, Tululah, and I ventured to Mance Monday-Wednesday (Feb 8-10) to experience the results of a 30" snowfall, and a 113 car "runaway" train wreck. Yes...the train went by Mance, and reached 65 mph seven miles further down the mountain before it overturned and miled up.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Deja Vu....all over again!

Snowblower said "I GIVE UP"

Suzy and I toast the blizzard of 2010. The ER was busy; one man lost 2.5 fingers in his snow blower.

25+ inches...........glorious

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Current forcast for Feb 5-6, 2010

a real humdinger!!!

three big storms with two more on the way......New England has ventured to Virginia!