Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cover-up............the yellowed floor

"Lick em and stick em". Suzy and I made short work of our ancient kitchen floor after a quick trip to Lowes.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dueling Tractors..........."farm boys"

You are what your roots produced, and the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

Roger and I share mowing time at the Sandpatch (Mance) retreat venue.

The "tractors" are appropriately colored for college history.

Friday, September 10, 2010

HERSHEY.....1st camper trip.

Suzy, Tululah and I ventured forth the day AFTER Labor Day to Hershey Highmeadow Campground in PA. The place had flushed out the day before and we were among 15 or so campers in a 300+ space campground.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

NEW TOYS..........for new adventures.

Saddled up for an excursion to Hershey, PA, waiting until the day AFTER Labor Day when things will be quieter.