Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Birthday..."You get your kicks at 66"

Breakfast this morning was with a couple from Dublin, Ireland, and their daughter from NJ.
We took the blue highways back to Manassas through Charlottesville and the piedmont area of Virginia.
We then cruised south 75 miles to the Iris B&B, nestled on the mountainside above Waynesboro, VA. After wine on the porch, we dined on ribs and scallops at the Depot Grille in Staunton, VA, and retired back to opulance of our la de da retreat.

After a delightful dinner with Roger and Cyndy on Sunday evening, Suz and I headed for the mountains on Monday morning, April 27. As might be tradition, we had a Skyland lunch on Skyline Drive, as deer munched THEIR lunch outside our window.........literally "on the world"

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